Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Don't Trust The Prince

 I am sure some of you have experienced this same thing….It was Tuesday, January 7th, 2014. My scripture reading for that day was Psalm 146:1-2. So, I open up my Bible and start reading…

“Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord, o my soul. While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. Put not your trust in princes know when truth hits you in the face. “Put not your trust in princes”.

I was like, “ok, God…You have my attention”.

So I go back to my devotional and realize that “Put not your trust in princes” was actually vs. 3…not at all what I was supposed to read.

Now, you call this a mistake and yes, it was ( I make a lot of them) but when moments like this happen, I believe 100% it is not a mistake to God. He meant for me to read that because He knew I needed to hear it.

I write (and talk) a lot about waiting for the right guy and why I haven’t met him and does God know my age...and so on.I know my roommates and friends get sick of hearing me complain about this.  And no offense to all you people who are married and tell me it will happen when I least expect it, but please stop. You may be 100% correct, but please stop.

Over Thanksgiving break, this distant family friend came up to me, in the middle of everyone and was like, “So, are you dating anyone? “ (instant eye roll-of course not visible) politely I respond “no”. And then she continues to say “Oh my niece is getting married…and…. ( I stop listening so I have no idea what she said after that ).

Then comes Christmas and a friend asks, “Are you dating anyone? “  My reply again, “No”. Except after that, she changes the subject (thank goodness). I think she got that if I was, I would have told her.  
So I have been feeling not so great about myself lately. I know it’s in God’s timing and His ways are far beyond our ways. However, if I can be honest, some days I  wish I could be done with the whole waiting thing…

And then I read this passage, “Do not put your trust in princes”.

Don’t trust a guy to give you worth. Don’t trust a guy to make all your problems go away. Don’t trust a guy to satisfy. Don’t trust a guy to give you everything you need. It’s not fair to him to have that responsibility. It isn’t his job to validate my worth at every second of every day. It isn’t fair to the guy.

God insists and demands that I find my COMPLETE worth in Him above anything else: a job, a guy, facebook likes, a song, a car, a ministry…anything.

God knows this is a hard idol for me to give up and He constantly reminds me of it…and for whatever reason He continues to have me wait…

I have 1,000 other blessings to be thankful for. Friends, Life, Family….the list could keep on going…

And eventually I will learn how to wait well.

Till then, He will just keep reminding me that a guy won’t solve every problem, in fact, he will probably add a lot more. A boyfriend/husband doesn’t mean I am any less pretty. A husband doesn’t ensure financial security…the list goes on.

Christ is my only hope in this world. This is the truth.

Life isn’t perfect. Life will never be perfect.  Prayers aren’t always answered how we want them to be. We will always be waiting on something. However, in the imperfection, I realize that my Creator, the One who made me, the One who loves me more than anyone ever will, is Perfect and trustworthy. My only job is to trust Him with my life and with my heart.

            “It wasn’t that everything was going my way, but I began to believe that the way it was going was perfect. I accepted that where I was in life, was exactly where I was supposed to be.”

-The Hippie, Snowflake Obsidian.


  1. Wow so me! I adore this and can't wait to catch up with you!! I'm sure we have verses, lessons and stories to share:)

    1. Thanks Ashley!!:) Can't wait to hear some of your stories and life lessons:) So fun that you are on this!!!!!
