Monday, February 10, 2014

The Biggest Loser

My facebook and twitter was slammed with comments revolving around Rachel from the Biggest Loser. I never watch this show so I decided to see what all the fuss was about.

Well, I didn’t even make it to the controversy because I got caught up in what one of the trainers said early on in the show. He was talking to one of the contestants and said, “You need to choose you”.

I started thinking back to all of the times I had been chosen.
From my high school soccer team to being the narrator in our high school musical of Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Then there was the time I was chosen as a prom date and then later on into a sorority.

Of all the times I was chosen, I can remember plenty of times when I was not.

There was the time in lower school when I didn’t get picked to be in the more advanced math group or the time I didn’t make the travel soccer team. There was the time I didn't get invited to my friend's birthday party. The time I wasn't picked as a prom date and later on for a job I really wanted.

I can also think of times I got to choose…

My college major.
To stay in Indiana or move away.
To stay in St. Louis or move away.  
To stay in Nashville or move away.

And yesterday, I felt a Voice telling me, “You need to choose you”.

I tend to put others before myself, a lot of times, because I am a people pleaser and an approval addict. If I can just “do enough” and make myself into the person they want me to be, everything will be ok.
If someone said “Jump” I would always ask “How High?”
And just because I am a Christian doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with this insecurity stuff...I’m still human.

Maybe it’s because Valentine’s Day is coming up…maybe it’s because I got a text from an ex the other day wanting to get together but knowing in my heart that that door was closed for many reasons…and needed to stay closed.

Or maybe it’s because God needed to give me a little reminder…
and maybe you need a reminder too.

 It’s time to choose you.

It's time to fight for yourself.

It's time to believe in yourself.

It's time to give your life the best of you (courtesy of a LeAnn Rimes song).

And if anyone around you doesn’t see that…it’s time to let them go.

If the God of the universe picked you before the world even began, you must be pretty freaking fabulous.

“You did not choose me, but I chose you” John 15:16







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